Introduction to Pistol Marksmanship


8 HRS / One day

This course is everything a new shooter needs to know about safe gun handling and basic marksmanship. We not only teach the fundamentals of marksmanship, but we will also cover how to be more efficient with your range time and much more. This course is well suited for all law-abiding U.S. Citizens who have little no to experience with firearms or are thinking about purchasing a semi-auto pistol for personal use. Women-only classes also available.

Cost $350.00


  • How to interact with a gun sales representative behind the counter
  • Gun safety, gun parts, and familiarization of semi-auto pistol operation
  • Fundamentals of marksmanship: grip, stance, aiming
  • Introduction to ammunition types
  • Introduction pistol shooting from the standing position
  • Basic shooting drills that reinforce the fundamentals of marksmanship


  • Pistol (rentals are available with advance notice) 
  • Magazines (2 min, 3 ideal)
  • Eye protection
  • Ear protection2
  • 300 rounds of ammo (.22 and 9mm usually available at the range, call first)

***Any of the above items can be rented/provided with advance notice. Recommend bringing a ball cap, water bottle with cap/cover, comfortable weather-appropriate clothing (can be warm or cool on the range depending on individual comfort level), sunscreen, and bug repellent.

A modified shooting position may be substituted for those who have a disability or functional limitation regarding a particular shooting task. To better enable us to accommodate you, let us know prior to registration if you have a limitation to a particular activity in the course description, i.e., wheelchair-bound, hearing impaired, loss of limb, etc.

1 To better enable us to accommodate those with a disability or functional limitation regarding a particular shooting task, let us know prior to registration if you have a limitation to a particular activity in the course description, i.e., wheelchair bound, hearing impaired, loss of limb, etc.

2 Recommend wearing two types of hearing/ear protection for indoor ranges: the foam type earplug and an over the ear earmuff type with noise cancelling and hearing enhancement capabilities (i.e., Cordova brand Encore Ear Plugs Corded Disposable and the Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector)

3 Holster should cover/protect the trigger and cover the pistol barrel/slide if it is an inside the waist band holster (IWB).

4 Holster should cover/protect the trigger and cover the pistol barrel/slide if it is an inside the waist band holster (IWB).

5 Holster should cover/protect the trigger and cover the pistol barrel/slide if it is an inside the waist band holster (IWB).

6 A seated or modified shooting position may be substituted for those who have a disability or functional limitation regarding a standing shooting position. To better enable us to accommodate you, let us know prior to registration if you have a limitation to a particular activity in the course description, i.e., wheelchair bound, hearing impaired, loss of limb, etc.

7 Tactical/duty kit should reflect your area of the industry from Military/S.W.A.T. Tactical duty rigs to VIP protection kit/clothing (a.k.a., first- and second-line gear).

8 Recommend wearing two types of hearing/ear protection for indoor ranges: the foam type earplug and an over the ear earmuff type with noise cancelling and hearing enhancement capabilities (i.e., Cordova brand Encore Ear Plugs Corded Disposable and the Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector)

9 Elevated positions include MEDEVAC from rooftop fighting positions, emergency egress/bailout from second story window/balcony.

10 CMC Rescue Survivor 8 Escape System, the EVAC Systems Bail-Out Bag Kit, or equivalent

11 Helmet: recommend a helmet that you will be expected to use in your daily duties such as an OPSCORE or Team Wendy helmet. The Bump helmet version from these two vendors is also recommended. Fall rated climbing helmets designed for rock/mountain climbers are more than acceptable if they’re in your inventory but not required.

12 Tactical/duty kit should reflect your area of the industry from Military/S.W.A.T. Tactical duty rigs to VIP protection kit/clothing (a.k.a., first- and second-line gear).

13 Holster should cover/protect the trigger and cover the pistol barrel/slide if it is an inside/outside waistband holster (IWB/OWB) and be worn from 3-9 o’clock position (clear of the front of the body when worn).